
Business & Entrepreneurship Mentee

I moved from the Netherlands to Nigeria, where I am originally from, in 2018 to provide access to life-improving solutions (solar systems, biomass stoves, adjustable glasses, etc.) for low-income families and communities. Unfortunately, I lost my dear mom in 2018 and avoided dealing with the grief. Instead, I blocked it with working long hours. Well, I burnt out in late 2019 due to the unresolved grief and the stress of living in Lagos.

Once Covid hit, I had time to reflect and decided to shut down my company because I was totally jaded and could not see myself surviving another 3-5 years in Nigeria, especially as I was about taking investment.

I am now focusing on the next chapter of my life. And I am very intentional about creating wealth for myself and the projects I take on. I moved to Kenya in October 2020. I am currently in therapy to deal with my emotional baggage and in the process of setting up a consulting practice in off-grid energy and last-mile distribution so I can earn enough to set up a greenhouse farm in 2022.

I know business quite well, but I could use some help in setting up a successful consulting practice. Thanks!

What I Expect From A Mentor:

I need help in setting up a successful consulting practice. Once or twice a week works for me. I am very professional and would work with any schedule that is convenient for the mentor.

More about this mentee:

  • Member since about 4 years

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