
Business & Entrepreneurship Mentor

I am 72 years old, and have lived and worked in UK for 42 years and South East Asia for 30 years. I love helping people.
I built a computer software house in UK with no investment capital, starting as a one man band. I built a restaurant in Thailand.
I have written books (Running a Small Business, and Find Yourself).
I am a husband and father of a 20 year old wonderful daughter
I have been studying and practising spirituality for the last 20 years.
My experiences have taught me many facets of life, and I would like to pass these on to others.

What I Expect From A Mentee:

I would hope for a mentee who is intelligent, logical, straightforward and passionate, and who understands that personal development takes time.
I would expect honesty and openness, so that we can get to know and understand each other. I expect to deal with few mentees, who will occupy my vacant thoughts.
I believe that business/professional development goes hand-in-hand with personal development and hope to be able to pass on both my business and personal experiences.
I feel that after just a few minutes of online conversation, we will know if we are right for each other, and will be able to start developing a plan

More about this mentor:

  • Member since about 5 years
  • 1 likes from mentees
  • Currently mentoring 1 person
  • Mentored 10 people in the past

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