Jason Jimenez

Business & Entrepreneurship Mentor

Accomplished and performance – driven professional offering extensive experience in business
on multiple levels with a strong concentration and effective achievements in increasing sales, creative
crisis resolution, operation execution, team leadership, succession planning, recruiting top talent
personnel and creating brand loyalty through dynamic guest service.

Recognized as an amiable, multi-dimensional team leader with strengths in motivating staff, defining
Continuous improvement strategies, building consensus, recognizing and improving peer strengths,
Increasing sales while controlling budgets, high employee retention rate and operational excellence.

• Demonstrate expertise in business development, operations direction, process improvement, project and program management, fiscal oversight, account management, sales and marketing, quality assurance, and customer satisfaction.
• Excel in product management, branding, and visual merchandising.
• Excels at assessing, developing and delivering a brand experience that builds brand loyalty.
• Specialize in control of extensive retail operations, including group generating annual revenue of $75M. (Downtown Disney)
• Contribute to opening of Disney-owned retail group (Disneyland Resort) including 15 stores and annual projected revenue of $30M.
• Collaborate with internal and external entities to achievement of corporate mission.
• Build and optimize key business relationships and strategic partnerships.
• Recruit, train, and motivate high-impact teams.
• Identify and seize opportunities to increase personal value to organization.

Corporate Leadership • Strategic Planning • Business Development • Market Expansions • World-Class Operations
Revenue Generation & Savings • Budget Control • P&L • Goal Setting • Forecasting • Benchmarking • Reporting
Ethics & Policy Enforcement • Needs Assessments • Resource Allocations • Talent Development
Workflow Optimization • Performance Management • Succession Planning • Continuous Improvement
Communications • Executive Presentations • Negotiations • Streamlining • Decision Making • Problem Solving
• Dynamic Guest Service Focus

More about this mentor:

  • Member since over 9 years
  • 2 likes from mentees
  • Got 1 review
  • Currently mentoring 2 people
  • Mentored 2 people in the past

Reviews From 1 Mentees:

He gave me accurate information and assisted my confusion with which pathway I should take. Thank you Jason.

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Written about about 9 years ago

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